Sunday, March 25, 2012

Role AFM Presents | Perfect 10s III - Art Show & Dance Party!!!

"A world of rabbits ruled by stoats."
Acrylic and Newspaper on Canvas.

"War on women."
Acrylic, Newspaper, and Ink on Canvas.

Acrylic and Newspaper on Canvas.

My three paintings for the third annual Perfect 10's show.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Love looks not with eyes, but with the mind.

"Love looks not with eyes, but with the mind."
Acrylic on Canvas.
This is my entry for the local PBRart Contest-If you are in Houston come on out, even though it's a school night. Here is the event page:

Saturday, February 25, 2012

As one by one withdraw the lofty actors.

"As one by one withdraw the lofty actors."
Acrylic and newspaper on canvas.
Ideas for new series sometimes come to me in bits and bites. I will see things pop up again and again. Pictures of riots and revolution. Civil War images. The poetry and life of Walt Whitman. They pop in my head and ruminate and, for me, the biggest challenge is to figure out how they will fit together. To find a new language of figures and symbols that will tell the story that I want to tell. 

This is my first attempt at painting Ulysses S. Grant. Not bad, but not what I wanted. I wanted more. More drama, more expression. He's been through a lot and he's sad and tired.
Blocking in shapes and color. This has more drama.
More details in the face. Adding white to pull out the profile.
Added more blues and blacks and lots of water. Started painting in the Greek rioter being knocked down by a police officer. The writing behind them is Walt Whitman's poem "Death of General Grant."
The last steps were to add the first line of the poem (also the title of the painting) across the top and make it look like it's been sitting on a wall for a long time-it almost faded away. Then the flowers-they represent Whitman's transcendentalism.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Works in Progress

This piece is from my 52 weeks painting project. Started with some basic strokes with some very watered down black.
Step two actually takes a lot more time than it looks like it should. Add some blue spray it with some water. Let it dry, then do it again and again until you get something that looks decent. There is a lot of waiting in this stage.
Finished (I'm bad at taking more progress shots). I drew out the shape of her face on a page from the news paper and cut it out. Attached it to the canvas with some acrylic matte medium and started painting drippy layers of color over it. I really wanted more drip on the face, but sometimes it just doesn't work the way you want it to.
This is a piece from my recent solo show. Sometimes you can start a piece with a clear vision of what you want, but the muse has something different for you to paint-this is one of those cases. Step one-just saying in some color, it really doesn't matter at this point, its just to give it a bit of interest.
Step two is to do a white wash. Now we have little bits of color popping through-see interest...
My original idea was to do something along the lines of this smaller piece, but with Dorli Rainey, the 84 year old woman that was pepper sprayed at an occupy protest. I wanted her in the middle and the two people that were helping her to safety done in the same way I did the hand in this painting. Paint the area black, then when that is dry put some white over it and then draw the figures with a sharp pin or something-removing the white paint and showing the black paint under. But....
....the muse took over.

Friday, January 20, 2012

"Every Generation Needs a New Revolution."

If you are in the Houston area, please come on out to my fist solo show at East End Studio Gallery!

Birdhouse WIP

Progress shot-thought I was done, but I just found inspiration while peeling potatoes....

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sneak Preview

Here is a detail shot of one of my pieces for my upcoming solo show on February third at East End Studio Gallery.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


A small sketch for a larger painting:
Watercolor and acrylic on watercolor paper.

Friday, January 13, 2012

No matter how dark the night, morning always comes, and our journey begins anew.

"No matter how dark the night, morning always comes, and our journey begins anew."
Acrylic on Canvas.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rebel Yell-More, More, More.

"Rebel Yell-More, More, More." A portrait of Billy Idol.
In progress: The first stage-the background is filled in and the figure is outlined. I find it easier to block in my figures with paint because it's easier to make adjustments. Pencil lines just seem to get lost and smear when erased (on canvas).
In progress: Mostly done-this is after the first session.
Usually I'd take more pictures, but not a whole lot to see behind the process here.
If you live in Houston you can see this at Dandee Warhol's Ridiculously 80's Inspired Show this Friday the 13th at Villians-